Thursday, December 24, 2009

How to reboot NETGEAR WNR3500 router remotely

I've hunted high and low in the menu options and can't find a "reboot now" button. So after much searching, I finally found an easy way to reboot my router... On the basic settings screen, hit the "Test" button. I make no changes, just hit test. The router reboots and takes you to a test web page.

I need to reboot my router because it periodically doesn't accept wireless connections (like from my iPhone or PowerBook) and that's a royal PITA. I COULD just pull power, but it's more convenient to pull up a web browser.


Josh said...

Thanks for this, it was driving me nuts not being able to reboot it without pulling the power.

Flavor said...

Nice info. Thanks! I'm sure I'll be back when I forget the trick.

The Youngs said...

thanks, I was not wanting to drive in just to rebot it!

k said...

Excellent, thanks Tim!

Michael Sauers said...


Unknown said...

Thank you so much!

apolomund said...

Thank you very much! Had the same problem here for a long time, and finally found a solution. This seven-year-old post still helps NetGear clients. Why don't they just solve this bug?!

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